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Naxi Traditional Tours excels in rural adventure travel.  We offer various treks and rural experiences in the Lijiang Naxi Prefecture and surrounding area. 

Travelling in China and wanting to go deeper into the culture?  Tired of paying for overpriced tickets to see historical sites you can't understand or tourist traps you can't seem to get around?

Mei Ling, a local Naxi and student of Dongba culture, will show you untouched rivers and vast grasslands that don't appear on the tourist maps or guides.  She currently leads groups to areas like Haba, Jin Shan (Golden Mountain), Tiger Leaping Gorge (the less-traveled routes) or Sanba, the center and annual retreat for Naxi Dongba Shamans. 

You have most likely already seen other sites 'promoting' Lijiang and its beautiful scenery.  While you will most certainly spend several days in the Lijiang Old Town itself, you will soon want to leave the crowds and head for the meadows, caves and streams of the surrounding highlands. 

Day trip prices are negotiable depending on the destination and are reasonable considering budget traveler's usual daily expenses.  Average day trips cost Y100 per person, and extended overnight trips to exciting destinations like Haba Mt., Deqin (near Tibetan border) or Liming, a red-rock valley with unique minority mix of Lisu, Naxi and Bai, these treks' prices are negotiable.

Contact Information 

Phone (Cell)    (086)139-8887-4138
